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Novel Critical Review - Summer in The City by Robyn Sisman

Book Title          : Summer in The City Author               : Robyn Sisman Publisher           : Penguin Group Date Published: 200 5                                        Number of pages: 3 09 Genre                : Romance                                Summer in the City by Robyn Sisman tells the story of two complete strangers who live separated in London and New York having fate to be connected to each other by advertising Jobs. They have a long-distance relationship only by phone before they actually met and get attracted to each other. Suze Wilding who lived in London had to travel to New York for job business exchange her apartment with Lloyd Rockwell who also had to fly to New York. Their connection began when Suze knew that Lloyd had his job fired and decided to help him to get it back. Lloyd found it wonderful and both of them wondering if they just be perfect for one another at the end of the day.             The novel has romance as its genre
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You are the main character

 Aku baru aja selesai nonton beberapa episode drama korea yang judulnya Yumi's Cells. Singkatnya, drama tersebut bercerita tentang kehidupan sehari-hari Yumi dan sel-sel tubuh yang slelau mendukungnya. Karakter Yumi mungkin karakter yang banyak ditemukan di kehidupan nyata. Wanita karir independen, yang masih digerakkan oleh 'cinta' sebagai sumber utama di dalam kehidupannya. Seolah-olah 'cinta' menjadi poros kehidupan Yumi berputar. Sel-sel Yumi sangat mencintai Yumi. Mereka menyadarkan Yumi bahwa dia adalah pemeran utama di hidupnya, meskipun Yumi berpikir mantan kekasihnya adalah pemeran utama pria di hidupnya. Sel menyadarkannya dengan berkata "Tidak ada pemeran pasti dalam peran tersebut, Yumi". Menurutku, apa yang Yumi rasakan sangatlah relatable dengan banyak orang, termasuk aku. Ya meskipun, aku tidak memiliki sosok pria yang kuanggap sebagai pemeran utama, tapi aku masih merasa 'cinta' adalah poros kehidupanku sekarang. Seolah tidak lengka

Novel Critical Review - Forgotten by Mariah Stewart

Book Title  : Forgotten Author : Mariah Stewart Publisher : Balantine Books Date Published: 2008 Number of pages: 440 Genre : Detective, Thriller Forgotten is unforgettable. Mariah Stewart had thrilled the reader by the story of Evil who has a killer instinct. The story tells about Agent Portia Cahill who tried to re-investigate the case of serial-murderer closed years ago together with James Cannon who once defense the killer named Sheldon Woods. He is a pedophile who kidnapped and killed an untold number of boys and escaped the death penalty by making the exchange the sentences with the information of whereabouts the victim’s bodies. He played the law and the rules while being investigated by Agent Cahill to get what he wants. At the end of the day Agent Cahill and James Cannon found out unbelievable truth about him and the case itself. I would say the villain was incredibly stood out along with the main detective, Agent Cahill. Sheldon Woods never

Poems poems poems I love to read Poems and create one :)

Thanks to kak Alif who always motivates me to keep writing. These are the poems I create. Daily Mix Tic...toc...tic...toc... Second hand moved along the hour mark Triggered me to look at the clock But then I thought Why was it so loud? Skip...skip...skip...skip Exactly what I'm always doing to my daily mix Foist the ads I want to quit Alter my sentiments become sick Pat...pat...pat...pat... She told me to pat my chest She said... It helps overcoming your weariness Holds the tears overflowing on your face Comforting when you can't handle the pain away -Illucity (my name) Birthday Today is my birthday. My mom said I should be grateful to be born in this beautiful life My heart denied My brain said, "should I?" I want a present Just give me chance to ask Why wouldn't you give us a choice Why couldn't I choose To be born Or unborn Questions I'm questioning while the rest acce

Winning A Trial, A Novel Review of Midwives by Chris Bohjalian

Winning A Trial Title                 : Midwives Author             : Chris Bohjalian Edition             : 1997 (First Edition) Place                : New York Publisher         : Vintage Contemporaries, Random House ISBN                : 0-375-70677-1 Pages               : 372 Midwives is a fiction novel written by Chris Bohjalian.   The novel tells the story of a trial of a midwife named Sybil Danforth’s due to his performance of an emergency caesarian section towards Charlotte Fugget Bedford to save her second baby. The journey of her trial in this book is narrated by her daughter, Connie. The story was a worth to read and give us the reader different sight of baby delivering. This novel also has an intriguing plot on the process of her trial, how she struggling during the court, how the loyalty works on family, and the spark of love affairs. It makes the readers enjoy the novel and can’t take their eyes of f it. The main characters of this novel are Sybi

Suffers, Miracles, and Extravagant Love, A Novel Review of Four Letters of Love by Niall Williams

Suffers, Miracles, and Extravag ant Love Title                 : Four Letters of Love Author             : Niall Williams Edition            : 1998 (Second Edition) Place               : London Publisher         : PICADOR ISBN               : 0-330-35269 Pages               : 342 Four Letters of Love written by Irish author Nial Williams is a magnificent novel about love, live, and destiny . It is a must read novel for everyone who likes slice of life stories that is full of impressively beautiful romance and bittersweet of love. It is written in a unique parallel way of stories from chapter to chapter. The 342 pages bring us the unforgettable journey of tragedies and miracle of life that makes us wonders how can love be this extravaging. Basically, four letters of love told us about two separated human being who lived in different side of the country met in unexpected way. Nicholas Coughlan who lived in Dublin discovered his feelings of love towards Isabel

Textbook Review - In Focus A vocabulary, reading and critical thinking skills course by Charles Browne, Brent Culligan, Joseph Phillips

Book Title                    : In Focus A vocabulary, reading and critical thinking skills course Author                          : Charles Browne, Brent Culligan, Joseph Phillips Publisher                      : Cambridge University Press Date Published             : 2014                Number of Page           : 106 Genre                          : Workbook      A. Explain the chapters one by one Chapter 1 The first topic of this book is gender equalit y which mainly discussed the equality of the sexes in society. This topic provides two texts each with different types of questions and activities. The first text titled the Iron Lady which tells the story of Margaret Thacher who became the first leader in United Kingdom political party that was traditionally run by white males. The second text titled what if the women ruled the world which explains the reasons why women are often superior to men. The pictures given to both texts illustrate the contents of the

Viola vs Violin

VIOLA VS VIOLIN Being a fan of classical music gives me new the knowledge of some instruments. Even though I am not a musician, I am interested in classical instruments and orchestra. One of the instruments that attract me the most is Violin. Before I go deeper to know more about violin, I thought violin is the English translation of Biola in Indonesia and had no clues about viola, but after I watched some YouTube videos and did some web-surfing, I realized that viola and violin are two different instruments. Here are some differences and similarities between those look alike instruments. If I catch a glimpse of both instruments, they look like twin. I might call viola as violin and other way around. But if we observe the details, their differences on physical appearances are obvious. The wooden materials and accessories such as case, bow, strings, tuner, chin and shoulder rest might deceive us, but if we look further on their size, measurements and clef I can tell they ar